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To help answer common questions more quickly and effectively, ICDVP has compiled a list of frequently asked questions. If there are additional questions or concerns, please contact ICDVP at

Frequently Asked Questions in pdf form

What is the difference between CDVP and CPAIP?

Certified Domestic Violence Professional (CDVP) works with victims/survivors.

Certified Partner Abuse Intervention Professional (CPAIP) works with abusers. Each certification has a different set of eligibility requirements. It is possible for one individual to hold both certifications. Please refer to the ICDVP website at for more details.

Is there a waiver or “Grandfather clause” available for individuals who have years of experience in the field or advanced degrees?

No. Waivers for past work experience and/or advanced degrees are not available.

I do not have time to complete the 40-hour domestic violence training all in person. Can I take the 40-hour domestic violence training online?

The 40-hour domestic violence training may be conducted in the following ways, which are the only approved methods of providing this training towards certification:

  • 40 hours in person at an ICDVP certified training site.
  • 20 hours online modules and 20 hours in person at an ICDVP certified training site.
  • 20 hours virtual and 20 hours in person at an ICDVP certified training site.

The in-person portion of any type of 40-hour domestic violence training requires that hours be completed in the physical presence of a trainer.

Is my ICDVP certification reciprocal to other states?

The CDVP/CPAIP certification is an Illinois specific certification and there is no reciprocity to other states.

How do I get a duplicate certification and what is the cost?

You can receive a copy of your certificate by completing a Certificate Replacement Form found on the website and submitting it, along with a $10 fee, to ICDVP. Once received, ICDVP will issue a new certificate for you.

If I have continuously maintained one certification, do I need to repeat all eligibility requirements to obtain the other certification?

You do not need to re-take the 40-hour training but must meet all other certification criteria found on the ICDVP website and pass the exam.

Our agency would like to apply to be a new ICDVP certified site, how and when can we apply?

All forms can be found on the ICDVP website at For details regarding site applications, please contact ICDVP at New site and renewal applications are accepted twice a year postmarked by September 30th or March 31st.

Where do I find my CDVP or CPAIP number?

You can find your CDVP or CPAIP number on your certificate. If you cannot find the certificate, you can contact ICDVP for the information.

I moved out of the state. Can I keep my certification?

Yes. If you are submitting CEUs that are not issued by an ICDVP certified training site, then you must submit a petition (ICDVP Form 6), petition fee, and supporting documentation of completion for consideration of approval. Training must be related to the 40-hour Domestic violence training topics or 20-hour PAIP training topics.

How do I become certified as a CDVP?

CDVP Certification Criteria can be found on the ICDVP website at The information can be found under the tab titled “Certification.”  Click on “CDVP” and then “eligibility” to find the details.

How do I become certified as a CPAIP?

CPAIP Certification Criteria can be found on the ICDVP website at The information can be found under the tab titled “Certification.”  Click on “CPAIP” and then “eligibility” to find the details.

How often is the exam offered? Where is it offered?

The exams are scheduled twice a year. See Continental Testing Services website for dates and locations.

Where do I send my initial exam application and fee?

Exam applications and fees are mailed to Continental Testing Services and NOT to ICDVP. Please refer to  for more details.

Where do I find the exam application?

The exam application can be found on the Continental Testing Services website at Go to State of Illinois exams, then to Illinois Certified Domestic Violence Professionals. Choose which certification you are applying for and click on either CDVP or CPAIP for detailed information.

Who do I contact if I have a question about my exam application?

If you have a question about the CDVP/CPAIP exam, you need to contact the Continental Testing Services at  If you contact ICDVP with questions about the exam you will be re-directed to the testing company.

Where do I find the test references?

Test references can be found in the Candidate Study Guide which is located on the Continental Testing Service website at

Are the exams offered in other languages?

No. The exams are only offered in English. ICDVP values diversity in the domestic violence field. Some test candidates for whom English is not their first language may experience difficulty taking a test in English and may benefit from special exam arrangements. Such candidates may, upon approved request, have an additional 30 minutes to take the exam; bring with them to the exam a dictionary that translates English into another language. This dictionary must translate word-for-word (no definitions). An electronic dictionary is NOT permitted. The Special Examination Language Proficiency form can be found in the Exam Application. Additional questions regarding this should be directed to Continental Testing Service.

Are there any accommodations allowed for test anxiety?

Standards for Special Accommodations are set forth by the Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation. See the Continental Testing Service website (add in website) for details on how to request special accommodations via the ADA form as listed under “Downloadable forms.”

Does ICDVP offer any test prep classes to prepare for the exam?

ICDVP does not offer test prep classes, but some ICDVP approved agencies have offered classes in the past. All ICDVP approved training, when submitted to ICDVP, can be found on the calendar on the ICDVP website.

When will I receive confirmation that I am approved to take the examination?

Confirmation/Admission notices are mailed approximately 10 business days prior to the exam date. If you do not receive an admission notice 7 days prior to the exam date, please call Continental Testing Services at 800-359-1313. Your admission notice will be facsimiled to you. A fax number is required to receive a notice from Continental Testing Services, Inc. at this late date. You must bring your Admission notice in order to be admitted to the exam.

How can I check the status of my application and exam results?

The status of your application and exam results can be checked online at the Continental Testing Services website at

Choose your Profession/Examination

Click “Get your Application Status and Grades.”

Type in the information requested

Click on SUBMIT

How long does it take to get exam results?

It can take from approximately 5 to 10 business days to mail your letter with test results.

When do I receive my certificate from ICDVP?

Typically, certificates will be issued within a month of passing the exam.

If I fail the exam, can I retake it?

Yes. However, you will need to pay another exam fee and meet all criteria for the exam. If the 40-hour training was completed after 2004 it does not need to be repeated. The supervision hours must be completed within 2 years of the exam application (CDVP exam), 3 years within exam application (CPAIP exam), and the exam needs to be repeated.

Can I take the CDVP and CPAIP exam at the same time?

No. Both exams are scheduled at the exact same time on the same date.

I missed the exam, and I do not want to wait for the next exam. Can I take the exam on another date?

No. The exams are scheduled twice a year. Exam dates can be found on the Continental Testing Service website at

Where do I find the Supervisor Assessment form?

The Supervisor Assessment Form is part of the Exam Application on the Continental Testing Service website at

How do I obtain supervision hours if I am not currently working at a domestic violence program?

You may complete your hours as a volunteer at an ICDVP certified supervision domestic violence program. You can find the list of ICDVP certified sites on the ICDVP website at and will need to contact them directly to make arrangements.

Can I complete my 150 hours of supervised direct service for the CDVP exam prior to attending a 40-hour domestic violence training?

No. The process for obtaining CDVP certification requires the following to be done in order: (1) complete the certified 40-hour Domestic Violence training, (2) complete 150 hours of supervised direct service, and (3) pass the certification exam. The 150 hours of satisfactory, documented, supervised work must be done after completion of the 40-hour Domestic Violence training at an ICDVP certified training.

Can I complete my 150 hours of supervised direct service for the CPAIP exam prior to attending a 40-hour domestic violence training?

No. The 150 hours of satisfactory, documented, supervised work at an IDHS program must begin after completion of the 40-hour Domestic violence training. However, the supervised work can begin prior to completion of the 20-hour PAIP training if the PAIP training is completed within 6 months of the start of supervision.

What types of services are required for supervision to take the CDVP exam?

Please refer to the eligible services list in the CDVP exam application for the 150 hours required to become a CDVP. The exam application can be found on the Continental Testing Service website at

What types of services are required for supervision to take the CPAIP exam?

Please refer to the eligible services list in the CPAIP exam application for the 150 hours required to become a CPAIP. Exam applications can be found on the Continental Testing Service website at

Are there supervision sites for CPAIP?

No. CPAIP candidates must complete 150 hours of satisfactory and documented services supervised by a current CPAIP employed by an IDHS-approved PAIP program.

How do group hours count towards certification? Is it by the hours facilitating the group or by the number of participants?

Hours towards certification are based upon clock hours of actual direct service, and not the number of group participants per hour. Running an InfoNet report may not provide accurate clock hours.

What hotline activity counts towards certification hours?

Hours towards certification are based upon the actual number of direct service hours provided to Domestic Violence callers and not the number of hours available/on shift. Running an InfoNet report may not provide accurate clock hours.

Will our agency be allowed an extension for a new supervisor if they are unable to become CDVP certified within a year from their hire date?

ICDVP can grant an extension of the 1-year requirement. A detailed plan would need to be submitted on how the certification will be accomplished along with a timeline including who would provide supervision toward CDVP certification during this time frame. In addition to that, while the supervisor is obtaining supervision, a plan of how direct service employees are supervised needs to be included.

What are the costs for my certification renewal?

The cost for renewal includes a $75 renewal fee and any additional petition fees, which can be paid all in one check/money order. Payments can be made on-line through the ICDVP website. Processing fees do apply and are subject to change.

When I renew my certification, can I pay online?

Yes. Payments can be made on-line through the ICDVP website. Processing fees do apply and are subject to change.

My agency has agreed to reimburse my renewal fees. Can I get a receipt from ICDVP?

Upon written request, ICDVP will provide a letter of receipt.

All my CEUs are completed, but my renewal date is not for another six months. Can I send my renewal materials in early?

No. ICDVP accepts renewal materials two months prior to your renewal date. If renewal materials are received earlier or incomplete, they will be returned.

Can I obtain all my CEUs through online courses?

Yes. Effective 04/18/22, all 30 CEUs can be completed in any combination of online, webinar, in-person, or other e-learning training with certificate from the provider. All renewal documents must be postmarked by the expiration date.

Can I submit the ICADV 20-hour training online modules or any other online training portion of an ICDVP certified 40-hour training or re-take any portion of the 40-hour in person training as CEUs for my CDVP/CPAIP renewal?

No. The 40-hour Domestic violence training is a pre-requisite to becoming certified and cannot be used as CEUs.

Can I take training at a site that is not an ICDVP certified CEU site?

Yes. The content must be related to the 40-hour Domestic violence training and/or 20-hour PAIP training topics. A completed petition (ICDVP Form 6), petition fee, and supporting documentation must be submitted for consideration of approval. CEU topics not related to the 40-hour training and/or 20-hour PAIP training, even if provided by an ICDVP CEU certified training site, will not count towards CDVP renewal. Final approval of CEU training is at the discretion of the ICDVP Standards Committee.

Does college credit count towards CEU credit?

If an individual attends an accredited college/university class, the individual can submit a request for CEU approval by completely filling out and signing Form 6, submitting required documentation, and submitting the petition fee.

Proof of college credit is a copy of an official transcript showing a passing grade and the college course description or syllabus. ICDVP will allow one hour of continuing education credit for each class credit hour taken through an accredited college/university up to a maximum of 20-hours. The classes, however, must be in areas covered in the 40-hour Domestic violence training or 20-hour PAIP training content listed in the ICDVP manual.  Final approval of CEU credit is at the discretion of the ICDVP Standards Committee.

Does committee participation count towards CEU credit?

If an individual participates in a committee/board, that individual can submit a request for CEU approval by completely filling out and signing Form 5, submitting any required documentation, and submitting the petition fee. Proof of committee/board activity is a copy of the minutes which lists committee attendees, date, and time frame of the meeting.

  • A maximum of 6 hours of CEUs may be earned per renewal period for participation in activities which include but are not limited to: active service as an ICDVP Board/committee member, approved local or national network officer, chair or committee member of a major domestic violence conference, and chair or committee member of the following organizations: The Network: Advocating Against Domestic Violence, Illinois Coalition Against Domestic Violence, Department of Human Services Domestic Violence Advisory Committee, or Illinois Family Violence Coordinating Council.
  • One participation hour equals one CEU hour.
  • Committee or Board Activity must be a minimum of one hour in length.

Note: Individuals who participate in a Committee or Board Activity at various times during the renewal period need to submit documentation for each meeting with one petition Form 5 and pay one fee. Individuals who participate in more than one Committee or Board Activity must count them as separate and submit a petition form and petition fee for each Committee or Board Activity. (Example: Four ICDVP Standards meetings and 3 ICADV Membership meetings count as 2 separate activities so require 2 separate petitions and fees. The total of all Committee or Board Activities cannot equal more than 6 hours). Final approval of CEU credit is at the discretion of the ICDVP Standards Committee.

Do teaching/facilitating CEU hours count towards CEU credit?

If an individual teaches in the field of domestic violence at an accredited college/university or presents a CEU training at an ICDVP certified CEU site, that individual can submit a request for CEU approval by completely filling out and signing Form 7, submitting any required documentation, and submitting the petition fee. Proof includes but is not limited to a copy of the course description, course schedule, training certificate, or letter provided by the Training Coordinator.

  • A maximum of 10 hours per renewal may be earned for verified teaching/facilitating.
  • One teaching/facilitating hour equals one CEU hour.
  • If individuals teach the same course at various times during the renewal period, they can submit documentation for each course with one petition Form 7 and pay one fee. (e.g., DV Dynamics taught in the fall and again in the spring)
  • If individuals teach different topics/courses during the renewal period, then a separate petition Form 7 and fee should be submitted for each course. (e.g., DV Dynamics taught in the fall and DV Family Violence in the spring)

Do I need to submit my CPAIP CEUs in three categories for my renewal?

No. CPAIPs are no longer required to submit CEUs in three categories. All CEUs must be related to the 40-hour domestic violence or 20-hour PAIP training topics.

What happens if I do not have enough CEUs to renew my certification?

If you have not obtained enough CEUs during your two-year renewal period, you will be placed on INACTIVE status. Your certification is no longer current, and you may not

Advertise as CDVP or CPAIP

Oversee the 40-hour or 20-hour trainings or sign training or CEU certificates.

Provide supervision towards CDVP/CPAIP certification

You will have one year to complete the required amount of CEUs and pay the applicable fees or your certification status will become Lapsed.

What happens if my certification status becomes Lapsed?

If your certification has lapsed, you will have to begin the certification process again as a new applicant.

If I let my certification lapse, do I need to re-take the 40-hour domestic violence training?

If the 40-hour domestic violence training was completed after 2004 AND it was completed at an ICDVP certified 40-hour domestic violence training site, it does not need to be re-taken.

I have let my certification lapse. Can I pay a fee to get it reinstated?

No. Please refer to the above question regarding lapsed certification. Once certification has lapsed, you are required to begin the certification process as a new applicant.

If I let my certification lapse, do I need to re-do the 150 supervision hours?

Yes. The 150 hours of supervised direct service must be completed again. Refer to supervision guidelines in the ICDVP Manual for details.

If I let my certification lapse, do I need to re-take the exam?

Yes. You will need to begin the process as a new applicant by meeting the eligibility requirements and submitting a new exam application.

Can I apply for an extension if I do not have enough CEUs?

ICDVP discontinued extensions as of 10/01/19 and they are no longer allowed.

Can our agency provide the 40-hour training in a virtual format?

Agencies are not prohibited from providing online training. All participants who complete the virtual 40-hour training will be covered by the IDVA. However, training via a full virtual format does not meet the ICDVP standard and cannot be used by participants towards certification.

Will providing our entire 40-hour training in a virtual format jeopardize our site certification?

Please be assured that providing a virtual 40-hour training will not jeopardize your ICDVP site status and/or the relationship with ICDVP. Agencies are not prohibited from providing online training. All participants who complete the virtual 40-hour training will be covered by the IDVA. However, training via a full virtual format does not meet the ICDVP standard and cannot be used by participants towards certification.

The 40-hour Domestic violence training may be conducted in the following ways for participants to use it towards certification:

  • 40 hours in person at an ICDVP certified training site.
  • 20 hours online modules and 20 hours in person at an ICDVP certified training site.
  • 20 hours virtual and 20 hours in person at an ICDVP certified training site.

The in-person portion of any type of 40-hour Domestic violence training requires that hours be completed in the physical presence of a trainer.

If our agency provides a fully virtual 40-hour domestic violence training, what are we required to tell the participants?

If your agency conducts a virtual 40-hour training, participants must be notified this training format will not meet ICDVP eligibility to become CDVP or CPAIP certified. In addition to that, the training certificate must indicate the training was completed in a virtual format.

If participants complete virtual training, how do they become eligible to become ICDVP certified?

If a candidate takes the 40-hour domestic violence training in a fully virtual format, the candidate will be required to repeat the 40-hour training in person or the 20-hour online/20-hour in-person or the 20-hour module/20 hour in person combined formats.

What other options do participants have regarding completing the 40-hour training that meets the eligibility requirements?

The 40-hour Domestic violence training may be conducted in the following ways:

  • 40 hours in person at an ICDVP certified training site.
  • 20 hours online modules and 20 hours in person at an ICDVP certified training site.
  • 20 hours virtual and 20 hours in person at an ICDVP certified training site.

The in-person portion of any type of 40-hour Domestic violence training requires that hours be completed in the physical presence of a trainer.

If an individual is absent for part of the 40-hour in-person training, can they make up the sessions by completing parts of the 20-hour online modules?

If an individual has missed parts of the 40-hour in-person DV training sessions, it is the training agency’s responsibility to ensure the participant has options of making up the missed information. The missed sessions need to be made up in person and the ICADV modules cannot be allowed as substitutes for in-person training. Individuals who need to make up the missed sessions have the option of attending the next in-person training (the sessions they missed) or participating in 1:1 in-person training with a staff member from the current Certified 40-hour Training Site to complete the 40-hour training.

Our agency has provided a virtual 40-hour domestic violence training and I facilitated part of the training. Can I petition those hours for ICDVP CEUs?

If an ICDVP certified domestic violence training site is approved to provide the 20-hour virtual /20-hour in-person training, the facilitators can submit a petition for teaching hours.

Can our agency offer CEUs in a virtual format?

Yes – ICDVP has allowed ICDVP certified CEU training sites to offer CEU training in a virtual format.

Our agency would like to offer the 20-hour online/20-hour in-person training for our participants. How do we go about doing that?

The 20-hour online module/20-hour in-person training is an alternative manner to receiving the 40-hour Domestic violence training. Agencies can apply to become a 20-hour online module/20-hour in-person training site by submitting their own 20-hour modules for review. The training topics and time spent on the modules must follow the requirements determined by ICDVP Standards.

Please refer to the ICDVP Policy Manual for the requirements and standards with respect to the 20-hour online/20-hour in-person training.

No additional fee is required to become a certified 20-hour online /20-hour in-person training site.

Our agency would like to offer the 20-hour virtual/20-hour in-person training for our participants. How do we go about doing that?

The 20-hour virtual/20-hour in-person training is an alternative manner to receiving the 40-hour domestic violence training. Virtual training includes Skype, Zoom, Face Time, or any other type of electronic remote access where trainers are in separate locations live via an interactive virtual platform.

Please refer to the ICDVP Policy Manual for the requirements and standards with respect to the 20-hour online/20-hour in-person training.

No additional fee is required to become a certified 20-hour virtual/20-hour in-person training site