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CPAIP Certification

What is CPAIP Certification?

A person who has completed the requirements as specified in the Certification Criteria of the Illinois Certified Partner Abuse Intervention Professionals, Inc. manual.

Why Certify?

  • Certification helps maintain integrity, standards, and quality of care in Domestic Violence Support
  • Advance skills through continuing education and training
  • Increase qualification for career opportunities

The ICDVP, Inc. Board has contracted with Continental Testing Services, Inc. to conduct its Certified Partner Abuse Intervention Professional program. Tests are given twice annually in the Chicago Metropolitan area and in Springfield. The tests are usually offered every February and September, with deadlines to get applications in 4-6 weeks prior to the actual test.

Certification will be applicable for two years, at which time the applicant must renew the certification. In order to renew the certification, the Certified Partner Abuse Intervention Professional (CPAIP) must complete 30 Continuing Education Units (CEUs) within the two year period.

The applicant is responsible for ensuring training is obtained from an ICDVP approved training site and supervision is obtained from an IDHS approved program and by a Certified Partner Abuse Intervention Professional (CPAIP).

Requirements for Eligibility

  1. Complete 40-hour Domestic Violence training at an ICDVP certified training site.
    • 40-hour trainings completed prior to 2004 will not be accepted.
    • Certified training sites are listed on the ICDVP website here.
    • 40-hour training certification to be submitted with examination application to Continental Testing Services, Inc.
      • 20-hour on-line / 20-hour in-person or 20-hour virtual / 20-hour in-person trainings from an ICDVP certified training site are accepted alternative methods of obtaining the 40-hour training.
  2. Complete 20-hour Partner Abuse Intervention (PAIP) training at an ICDVP certified training site.
    • 20-hour trainings completed prior to 2011 will not be accepted.
    • Certified sites are listed on the ICDVP website here.
    • 20-hour training certificate to be submitted with examination application to Continental Testing Services, Inc.
    • Candidates must have completed a 20-hour partner abuse intervention specific training program at an ICDVP approved 20-hour PAIP training site, intended to prepare individuals as partner abuse intervention facilitators.
  1. Complete 150 hours of satisfactory, documented, supervised work at an IDHS approved program within three years of the application to be a CPAIP. (See CPAIP Supervision Eligible Services.)
    • 150 hours must be completed within three years of the examination date with all hours completed prior to submission of the application.
    • 150 hours must be subsequent to completion of the 40-hour Domestic Violence but may begin prior to the completion of the 20-hour PAIP training as long as the PAIP training is completed within 6 months of the start of supervision.
    • Supervised work must be completed under the supervision of a current Illinois Certified Partner Abuse Intervention Professional and at an IDHS approved program. The individual providing supervision must be a current CPAIP who works for an IDHS approved program.
    • ICDVP Supervisor Assessment form to be submitted with examination application.
  2. Pass the knowledge based certification test which is offered twice annually (Chicago Metropolitan area and Springfield) through Continental Testing Services, Inc.

ICDVP, Inc. will review any applicant that has been convicted of a misdemeanor or felony, has been investigated or had disciplinary action taken against them by a licensing/credentialing agency, or has had a suit/claim filed against them as a result of professional services. ICDVP, Inc. retains the right to deny certification for any individual

Certified Partner Abuse Intervention Professional (CPAIP)

A person who has completed the requirements as specified in the Certification Criteria of the Illinois Certified Partner Abuse Intervention Professionals, Inc. manual.


Any person who is currently seeking or receiving Domestic Violence victim/survivor or abuser services.

Confidentiality for PAIP

Confidentiality for Partner Abuse Intervention Programs is governed by the Illinois Mental Health and Developmental Disabilities Confidentiality Act, which limits the disclosure of a participant’s communications and records (740 ILCS 110/3). This act allows for disclosure without the participant’s consent when a CPAIP, in his or her sole discretion, determines that disclosure is necessary to protect the recipient or other person against a clear, imminent risk of serious physical or mental injury or disease or death being inflicted upon the recipient or by the recipient on himself or another. CPAIPs are also mandated reporters under the Illinois Abused and Neglected Child Reporting Act (325 ILCS 5/), and in some cases, the Adult Protective Services Act Illinois (320 ILCS 20/).

Domestic Violence

The Illinois Domestic Violence Act, defines domestic violence and abuse as “physical abuse, harassment, intimidation of a dependent, interference with personal liberty, willful deprivation, neglect or exploitation” between “spouses, former spouses, parents, children, stepchildren and other persons related by blood or by present or prior marriage, persons who share or formerly shared a common dwelling, persons who have or allegedly have a child in common, persons who share or allegedly share a blood relationship through a child, persons who have or have had a dating relationship, and persons with disabilities and their personal assistants or caregivers.”

Illinois Domestic Violence Act (IDVA)

The law in Illinois that defines domestic violence, provides for orders of protection and their enforcement, and details the responsibility of law enforcement agencies. The IDVA is also the source of confidentiality between victim/survivors of domestic violence and their counselor or advocate.

Illinois DHS Administrative Code for Partner Abuse Intervention Programs

Under the Illinois Department of Human Services Administrative Code (Title 89, Part 501), the code creates state standards for Partner Abuse Intervention Programs (PAIP) to facilitate safe and effective services.

Partner Abuse Intervention Program (PAIP)

A program that provides services to domestic violence abusers consistent with the Administrative Code. PAIPs primary goals are victim/survivor safety and cessation of domestic abuse.