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CDVP Certification

What is CDVP Certification?

A person who has completed the requirements as specified in the Certification Criteria of the Illinois Certified Domestic Violence Professionals, Inc. manual.

Why Certify?

  • Certification helps maintain integrity, standards, and quality of care in Domestic Violence Support
  • Advance skills through continuing education and training
  • Increase qualification for career opportunities

The ICDVP, Inc. Board has contracted with Continental Testing Services, Inc. to conduct its Certified Domestic Violence Professional program. Tests are given twice annually in the Chicago Metropolitan area and in Springfield. The tests are usually offered every February and September, with deadlines to get applications in 4-6 weeks prior to the actual test.

Certification will be applicable for two years, at which time the applicant must renew the certification. In order to renew the certification, the Certified Domestic Violence Professional (CDVP) must complete 30 Continuing Education Units (CEUs) within the two year period.

The applicant is responsible for ensuring training is obtained from an ICDVP approved training site and supervision is obtained from an ICDVP approved supervision site.

Requirements for Eligibility

The following are requirements to become a Certified Domestic Violence Professional.

  1. Complete 40-hour Domestic Violence training at an ICDVP certified training site.
    • 40-hour trainings completed prior to 2004 will not be accepted.
    • Certified training sites are listed on the ICDVP website here.
    • 40-hour training certificate to be submitted with examination application to Continental Testing Services, Inc.
      • 20-hour on-line / 20-hour in-person or 20-hour virtual / 20-hour in-person trainings from an ICDVP certified training site are accepted alternative methods of obtaining the 40-hour training.
  1. Complete 150 hours of satisfactory, documented, supervised work at an ICDVP-certified supervision site within two years of the examination application to be a CDVP (See CDVP Supervision Eligible Services).
    • 150 hours must be completed within two years of the examination date with all hours completed prior to submission of the application.
    • Supervised work must be completed under the supervision of a current Illinois Certified Domestic Violence Professional currently employed at a certified supervision site as a supervisor/manager per their job description.
    • 150 hours must begin subsequent to completion of the 40-hour Domestic Violence training at an ICDVP-certified training site.
    • ICDVP Supervisor Assessment form must be submitted with examination application.
  2. Pass the knowledge-based certification test which is offered twice annually (Chicago Metropolitan area and Springfield) through Continental Testing Services, Inc.

ICDVP, Inc. will review any applicant who has been convicted of a misdemeanor or felony, has been investigated or had disciplinary action taken against them by a licensing/credentialing agency, or has had a suit/claim filed against them as a result of professional services. ICDVP, Inc. retains the right to deny certification, or application for certification, for any individual.

Illinois Domestic Violence Act (IDVA)

The law in Illinois that defines domestic violence, provides for orders of protection and their enforcement and details the responsibility of law enforcement agencies. The IDVA is also the source of confidentiality between victim/survivors of domestic violence and their counselor or advocate.


A one to one interaction between a domestic violence worker and an adult or child for the purpose of benefiting the client. Examples of counseling include support, guidance, education, problem solving and discussing options. Counseling should be provided with the service plan in mind


Any intervention by a domestic violence worker with a third party on behalf of an adult or child. A release of information must be completed and signed by the client or her/his representative and placed in the client’s file. Intervention with a third party should have the purpose of benefiting the client with the service plan in mind.

IDVA Advocacy

Illinois Domestic Violence Act Advocacy includes any assistance in pursuing criminal charges and/or orders of protection through problem solving, accompaniment, emotional support and encouragement. Court or IDVA advocacy also includes ongoing systems advocacy to improve policies and procedures, which enhance the safety and court relief for victim/survivors. IDVA Advocacy – add victims/survivors

Hotline/Information & Referral

Assisting a client to identify and gather information about community resources for themselves and their children.

Group Services

Any services provided by a domestic violence worker to more than one child and/or adult client at a time, with the purpose of giving support, educating, providing necessary information, offering guidance, or facilitating social interaction, for the purpose of benefiting the client and with the service plan in mind.


Activities by a domestic violence worker that promote awareness of the dynamics of domestic violence and provide information to reduce the likelihood of domestic violence.


Provision of domestic violence information to other professionals who are in contact with victim/survivors or abusers in order to assist them in developing an increased competency and knowledge in responding to domestic violence.

Outreach & Community Education

Direct contact by a domestic violence worker with people in a community setting to identify and educate about domestic violence effects and available services.

Systems Advocacy

Actions by a domestic violence worker to change established systems to ensure a more effective and appropriate response to domestic violence victim/survivors.


Individuals whose primary responsibilities include oversight of those who provide services to victims/survivors of domestic violence.

Supervised Work

Service activities (as defined in Supervision Eligible Services) under the direction of a current CDVP who is employed as a supervisor at a current ICDVP certified supervision site.