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Code of Ethics

The following Code of Ethics is intended to govern Certified Domestic Violence Professionals (CDVP) and Certified Partner Abuse Intervention Professionals (CPAIP), and ICDVP certified sites in their various roles and relationships and at the various levels of responsibility at which they function. These principles also serve as a basis for adjudication by the Board of Illinois Certified Domestic Violence Professionals, Inc. when allegations of misconduct are reported.

The Code of Ethics sets forth general principles of conduct and the judicious appraisal of conduct in our matters which have ethical implications. This Code of Ethics is not intended to be all inclusive or exhaustive. ICDVP certified professionals and certified sites are expected to adhere to the spirit as well as the letter of this Code of Ethics.

ICDVP certified professionals and certified sites are required to abide by any disciplinary rulings based on the Code of Ethics which will be determined by an unbiased panel of professional peers. ICDVP certified professionals and certified sites shall also take adequate measures to discourage, prevent, and correct the ethical misconduct of colleagues.

ICDVP certified professionals and certified sites shall abide by the following:

  1. Protect the safety of domestic violence victims/survivors at all times.
  2. Have a primary commitment to provide the highest quality professional support for those who seek services.
  3. Maintain confidentiality of the working relationship and information resulting from it consistent with all legal obligations.
  4. Do not exploit any relationship, including but not limited to clients, staff or funders for personal advantage.
  5. Do not solicit client of one’s agency for private practice.
  6. Do not have sexual or romantic relationships with clients.
  7. Avoid any action that will violate or diminish the legal and civil rights of clients.
  8. Do not condone or engage in sexual or other harassment as defined by the law.
  9. Do not discriminate against clients or professionals based on age, gender, gender identity, spiritual beliefs, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, marital status, socio-economic status, national origin, legal status or ability.
  10. Develop knowledge, personal awareness, and sensitivity pertinent to the client populations served and incorporate culturally relevant techniques into their practice.
  11. Be willing to release or refer a client to another program or individual when it is in the best interest of the client.
  12. Do not perpetuate or condone domestic violence as defined in the Illinois Domestic Violence Act and its amendments.
  13. Respect the rights and the views of other professionals, agencies and organizations serving domestic violence abusers and victim/survivors.
  14. Take personal responsibility for professional growth.
  15. Do not knowingly misrepresent their credentials or those of their employer.
  16. Abide by all ICDVP requirements for professional certification standards.
  17. All certified individuals and agencies must remain in compliance with state, local and federal law.
  18. Work in the best interest of clients, so long as it is consistent with safety for victims/survivors and children and ethical standards.
  19. Do not practice outside the scope of their competence and credentials.
  20. Acknowledge that they are mandated reporters under the Illinois Abused and Neglected Child Reporting Act and the Elder Abuse Act.
  21. Acknowledge their responsibility under the Illinois Mental Health Code to warn of any imminent threat of harm by notifying the threatened person and appropriate law enforcement agencies and/or personnel.

In addition to all the above, due to the specific nature of work with people who cause harm, Certified Partner Abuse Intervention Professionals and certified sites will also abide by the following:

  1. Challenge clients to develop the skills needed to be safe and accountable.
  2. Work to protect the legal and civil rights of clients without colluding in client’s oppression of their intimate partner.
  3. Adhere to all the principles of the IDHS Administrative Code for approved PAIP programs.

Violations of this Code of Ethics may result in suspension or revocation of certification(s) at the sole discretion of ICDVP, Inc.