News & Announcements

CEU Information

Effective 04/18/22, ICDVP no longer requires 15 CEU hours be completed in person.  All 30 CEUs can be completed in any combination of online, webinar, in-person, or other e-learning training with certificate from the provider. All renewal documents must be postmarked by the expiration date.  As a reminder, all CEUs must be related to the 40-hour domestic violence and/or PAIP training topics.  If the training is completed at a site that is not an ICDVP certified CEU training site, a petition and fee will be required for each training.  CEU topics not related to the 40-hour training and/or 20-hour PAIP training, even if provided by an ICDVP CEU certified training site, will not count towards CDVP renewal. Final approval of CEU trainings is at the discretion of the ICDVP Standards Committee.


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